Welcome To Your New Life 

Kalpana Raghuraman is an advanced facilitator with the modality Access Consciousness, a published author and scholar. She is also artistic director of her own dance company, Kalpanarts.

Upcoming Events

What would you like to change and what will contribute the most to you right now?
Check out what's coming up next.

  • Mumbai

    Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer created the Access Body Class. It is facilitated by Certified Body Class Facilitators to.......
  • Online

    How can you deal with money in relationships?   Let’s find out........
  • Tokyo

    How much do you judge your body? What if you could see the value of your body instead of the.......

private Sessions with Kalpana

Choosing Change

Are you asking for radical, fast and deep change?

Allow yourself to get truly present with what’s going on in your life or with your body. Choosing to change whatever is required to change, in whatever way.

  • Verbal Facilitation image
    verbal facilitation

    verbal facilitation

    Discover Kalpana’s sharp and kind facilitation in a private coaching session.
  • symphony of possibilities

    symphony of possibilities

    What if you could ask to change anything you desire?

  • Abuse Hold image
    abuse hold

    abuse hold

    Are you ready to break the cycle of abuse and set yourself free?
  • Bodywork image


    Discover the dynamic Access Consciousness body processes


What if you could live an empowered life where you can be an inspiration to yourself and others?  In the Inspired Empowered Living Podcast, Kalpana tackles day to day topics, offering fresh and different perspectives.

Hi, I’m Kalpana, choreographer, dancer, and Access Consciousness facilitator. When was the last time you truly listened to your body? In this episode, we’ll explore how your body can be your greatest ally, not an obstacle to overcome. Discover: How to hear your body’s whispers. Tools to partner with your body in every choice. The...
What if relationships could be a source of freedom and joy? In this episode, we explore intimacy, trust, and authenticity, starting with the relationship you have with yourself. Discover how to create connections that honor and inspire you.


Enjoy the most recent blog posts.
Share it with your friends if something speaks to you.

  • The disappearing act

    The disappearing act: Losing yourself in Relationships By Kalpana RaghuramanI really enjoy sharing my awarenesse and I hope they contribute to your life and inspire you.When I create an event or a series, like an Access Consciousness workshop, an energy getsactivated. It’s a process: I get a ping for a

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  • It’s Your Life

    As we step into the rhythm of 2025, I want to share a moment of reflection and creation with you. This isn't about New Year’s resolutions or big plans; it’s about tapping into the energy of choice, true, unapologetic, and life-giving choice.Choosing beyond the normThis past holiday season, I didn’t

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  • Polarization Galore: Breaking free from the divide

    By Kalpana RaghuramanLet’s start with this: polarization is everywhere. From politics to media, to those heated debates at parties, it feels like the world is stuck in an endless loop of "us versus them”. But here’s the kicker: this divide isn’t just happening out there. It’s sneaking into our thoughts,

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