Ready for Change?
Business Done Different
Have you been doing the same thing over and over again and expecting something to change? Business Done Different is not like any other business class you will attend. It’s simply different. You will explore what it is that you know about business, money and creation. And what if you know so much more than you now realize?
Kalpana is an Advanced Joy of Business Facilitator (JCF). A class with her counts as a prerequisite for the Certified Facilitator training. It can also be used to renew your Bars license.

Change your mind, change your life. The way you think about your business and your life, can either create it or diminish it. And the tools that apply to being a leader in your life, also apply to creating a successful business. So, what would you like to create?
What would you choose if you couldn’t fail at anything you do?
You have an unlimited, and mostly un-accessed, capacity to
create a financial reality that would work for you.
– Simone Milasas, founder and author of Joy of Business –