Upcoming Events
What change are you asking for?
What would contribute the most to you, your body and your life right now? Explore the different live and online classes that are coming up. Some of these classes are open for everyone and for others you will require some prerequisites. More information about this is available on the classes page.
Would you like to change or add to your money flows? The Symphony of Possibilities energy allows you to...Riyadh & Online
In the Choice for Possibilities class you begin to see what is actually possible for you and where you begin...Live in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia & online
How much have you learnt that when you are in a relationship, all your energy goes to the creation of...Online
Recognizing or acknowledging narcissism is not always easy. Especially if it’s something you have been around a lot, or maybe...Prague
In this hands-on class, you will discover a unique set of new body processes that have been created to give...Online
Your body is a gift and deeply connected with the earth. Learn more about historical and sociological processes...Online
How are your relationships doing? With your partner, parents, friends, kids or colleagues? Are they amazing? Great? Just fine? Ok?...